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How To Care for Monstera Plant

If you are looking for a showy, tropical houseplant that makes a bold statement, look no further than the Monstera. It immediately adds a tropical look to your home. The Monstera is easily recognized by its large glossy, heart-shaped leaves that are marked by random holes and slits. Although a native plant of Mexico and Central America, the Monstera can be relatively easy to maintain in your home. Here are a few basic guidelines for Monstera Plant care

What is a Monstera?

The Monstera is a climbing, evergreen perennial that is known to reach a height of 50 feet or more in its natural habitat, with leaves that measure up to 2 feet long. Because of their height, it is encouraged to use a trellis or stakes to help support its growth. A large plant will need to be trained to grow upright.

Monstera in its Native Habitat

There are different varieties with slight color variation and pattern in the leaves. All will have the slitted leaves and some will have random holes in the leaves where another common name is derived, the Swiss Cheese Plant. The colors can be variegated with yellow highlights and there is even a species with solid white to mottled white leaves.

When growing Monstera, keep in mind it can eventually take up a lot of space. Make sure your plant has room to grow as it purifies the air on your home!

Light Requirements

If you want the huge leaves the Monstera is known for, you need to make sure to provide adequate sunlight. Placed in a bright room with indirect filtered light should do the trick. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves leaving them damaged. Once the leaves are scorched they won’t turn green again and unless removed will be forever unsightly.

If you notice your Monstera’s leave aren’t splitting, move it into a more well lit area.

Like most plants, it will grow toward the light. If you notice this behavior, be prepared to turn your plant periodically so that the growth remains even.

Image by Hornbeam Arts

Watering your Monstera

The Monstera prefers slightly moist potting soil. As a rule of thumb, You should water your plant when the top inch of soil is dry. Once a week is about right in most conditions. Overwatering is the main killer of many a houseplant. Make sure your pot is well-draining to prevent root rot.

Monstera leaves will turn yellow if overwatered or under nourished. If you can catch the symptom soon enough, just refrain from watering for a while until the potting soil gets dry.
On the other hand, the leaves will turn brown if under watered or in a low humidity environment.
Reduce your watering frequency in the winter time to prevent overwatering.

If it remains wilted even after adequate watering, it is probably root bound and could use a little room to grow or a bigger pot to retain more water. Monstera will do well if repotted every couple of years in the Spring. Once repotted, the plant will grow into its bigger pot but to keep excessive growth under control (why? I don’t know) you can pinch new growth off and refrain from repotting too often.

Temperature Range and Humidity

Maintaining the right temperature and humidity levels is paramount for the well-being of your monstera plant, mimicking its native tropical habitat. In this section, we’ll explore the optimal conditions to ensure your monstera thrives in a verdant, lush environment.

Ideal Temperature Range

Monstera plants flourish in warm temperatures, ideally ranging between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). While they can tolerate slightly lower temperatures, it’s crucial to avoid exposing them to anything below 50°F (10°C), as prolonged cold spells can damage the delicate foliage.

Avoiding Temperature Extremes

Protect your monstera from extreme temperature fluctuations, such as drafts from windows, air conditioning, or heating vents. Sudden changes in temperature can stress the plant and lead to issues like leaf yellowing or browning.

Providing Consistent Humidity

Humidity is a key factor in monstera care, as these plants thrive in high humidity environments. Aim for humidity levels between 60% and 80% to replicate their natural habitat.

How to Increase Humidity

  • Grouping Plants: Placing multiple plants together creates a microclimate with elevated humidity levels.
  • Using a Humidifier: An efficient way to maintain consistent humidity, especially in drier climates or indoor spaces with artificial heating or cooling.

Monitoring Humidity Levels

Regularly check the humidity in the environment where your monstera resides. You can use a hygrometer to measure humidity accurately. If levels drop below the ideal range, consider employing additional humidity-boosting strategies.

Signs of Low Humidity

Monstera plants may exhibit signs of distress in low humidity conditions. Look out for brown leaf edges, leaf curling, or slowed growth. Addressing these signs promptly helps maintain a thriving plant.

Adjusting for Winter

During the winter months, when indoor heating systems can decrease humidity, it’s essential to be proactive. Employ humidity-boosting methods and periodically mist your monstera to compensate for the drier air.

Protecting from Dry Air

If your indoor environment tends to be excessively dry, especially during the colder months, consider placing your monstera on a tray filled with water and pebbles. As the water evaporates, it creates a humid microclimate around the plant.

Striking the Right Balance

Balancing temperature and humidity is a delicate dance that directly impacts the health and vibrancy of your monstera. By providing the optimal tropical haven, you create the perfect conditions for robust growth, lush foliage, and a truly thriving botanical companion.

Fertilizing Tips: Nourishing Your Monstera

Fertilizing your monstera plant is a crucial aspect of its care routine, ensuring it receives the essential nutrients for robust growth and vibrant foliage. In this section, we’ll delve into the intricacies of fertilizing your monstera, guiding you on the right balance, timing, and methods to keep your plant flourishing.

Understanding Nutritional Needs

Monstera plants have specific nutritional requirements that evolve throughout their growth stages. During the active growing season, typically spring and summer, your monstera has an increased demand for nutrients. Understanding this cycle is key to providing the right nourishment at the right time.

Choosing the Right Fertilizer

Selecting an appropriate fertilizer is paramount in meeting your monstera’s nutritional needs. Opt for a well-balanced liquid fertilizer with equal proportions of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). This balanced formula supports overall plant health, leaf development, and root strength.

When to Fertilize

Timing is crucial when it comes to fertilizing your monstera. Aim to fertilize during the growing season, usually every two to four weeks. However, always check the specific instructions on your chosen fertilizer, as concentrations and application frequencies may vary.

Application Methods

There are two primary methods for applying fertilizer to your monstera: soil application and foliar feeding.

  1. Soil Application: Mix the recommended amount of fertilizer with water and apply it directly to the soil. Ensure that the soil is moist before application to prevent potential root burn.
  2. Foliar Feeding: Spraying a diluted fertilizer solution directly onto the leaves allows for rapid absorption. While this method can be effective, it’s essential to avoid overdoing it, as monstera leaves are sensitive.

Signs of Overfertilizing

While providing proper nourishment is vital, overfertilizing can be detrimental to your monstera. Watch for signs such as leaf burn, browning edges, or stunted growth. If you observe these symptoms, reduce the frequency or concentration of fertilizer.

Adjusting in Winter

Monstera plants generally enter a period of dormancy in the winter months when growth slows down. During this time, reduce the frequency of fertilization to match the plant’s decreased nutrient requirements. Resume regular fertilizing as the growing season returns.

Monitoring and Adapting

Every monstera is unique, and environmental factors play a role in its nutritional needs. Regularly monitor your plant’s condition, and be prepared to adjust your fertilizing routine based on its response. This attentive approach ensures that your monstera receives tailored care for sustained health and vitality.


Monstera are prone to common indoor plant pests such as spider mites, mealy bugs and aphids. Avoid these infestations by a weekly light dusting.
To remove these pests, your plant can be wiped down periodically with a mild soap solution. This will also help keep the leaves bright green and glossy and remove dust.

How to Care for Monstera Plant: FAQs

How often should I water my monstera plant?

Maintain a consistent watering schedule, allowing the top inch of soil to dry between waterings. Adjust frequency based on environmental factors.

Can I keep my monstera in direct sunlight?

While monstera plants enjoy bright, indirect light, prolonged direct sunlight can scorch their leaves. Find a balance with filtered or dappled sunlight.

What’s the best fertilizer for monstera plants?

Choose a balanced liquid fertilizer and apply during the growing season. Dilute according to package instructions for optimal results.

How do I propagate my monstera plant?

Propagation can be done through stem cuttings with nodes. Place cuttings in water or soil, and roots will develop over time.

How do I deal with yellowing leaves on my monstera?

Yellowing leaves may indicate overwatering. Adjust your watering routine, and trim any yellow leaves to encourage new, healthy growth.

Is misting beneficial for monstera plants?

Misting can increase humidity, benefiting your monstera. However, focus on the roots by providing a well-draining pot and proper watering.

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